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You give me a character, a song, a concept, a color palette, whatever, and a little bit of your faith while I go absolutely apeshit on this canvas.
Don't know what you want? Easy fix! A large portion of my more frequent uploads are experimental pieces that I mess with before eventually getting something that looks decent. So here's the deal: You give me some stuff to go crazy with-- Concepts, characters, a song or color palette even, and I'll just do whatever comes to mind with them! Give me a combination of things, I don't mind! I'll give you previews and everything. You pay what you want for the end result. If I can't make it work, I'll offer you something else in return!
(Check out some examples before you go for this option!)
Ugh, I can't get this little bit here to go away. I am such a professional.
Experimental: CV
Experimental: Photo Gallery
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